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Conduct Your Own Outer Space Experiments With ArduSat

ArduSat will let users on the ground conduct experiments – like watching meteors vaporize in…

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70% Of All Fortune 500 CEOs Have No Presence On Social Networks

With an increasing number of companies embracing the social world, CEO.com asked the question, “What…

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Hashable CEO Shuts Down Startup To Revolutionize Mobile Ads

Hashable CEO Michael Yavonditte fielded questions on Twitter last night about his decision to shut…

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Microsoft Translator Hub Will Save Languages From Extinction

This week Microsoft announced a new language translation hub that will enable users to create…

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GameDock Turns Your iPhone Into A Full-Fledged Console

A new Kickstarter campaign launched by Chris Jorgenson, owner of Portland indie game studio Cascadia…

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Hardware That Translates Sign Language Into Speech Wins International Imagine Cup

The long road to the Imagine Cup 2012 finals ended this week in Sydney, Australia.…

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The Node.js Community Calls BS On Geotagged Strip Club Conference Venue

What would normally seem like a childish prank based on Portland's culture takes on extra…

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Anonymous Targets Child Porn In #OpPedoChat

Anonymous says it's mounting a coordinated attack on sites that deal in or facilitate exchanges…

  • St. Louis
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Passerby Offers Crowdfunding Exclusively For Filmmakers

Passerby, a fresh St. Louis startup, is aiming to create a crowdfunding space specifically for…

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French Startup Infinit To Offer Unlimited P2P File Hosting

An ambitious French startup wants to reinvent file hosting as a peer-to-peer service, cutting out…

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The Week That Journalism Went Meta

The pen may be mightier than the sword, but reader opinion is the mightiest of…

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Forget Space Camp, The Summer Cyber Security Camp Is Happening Right Now

Beginning this week a selection of thirty talented cyber security trainees are headed off to…

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UPDATE: Open Source OUYA Console Reaches $1M Kickstarter Goal Within Hours

The recently announced Android-based $99 gaming console has officially begun funding on Kickstarter today, raising…

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Chill: The Startup (Finally) Connecting Silicon Valley And Hollywood

Los Angeles startup, Chill, is disrupting home entertainment and finally connecting the tech of Silicon…

ISPs Will Implement The Largest Anti-Piracy Plan Ever On July 12th

U.S. internet service providers have voluntarily agreed to begin an intensive digital surveillance operation on…