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UpTo: The Future Is Unwritten (But Let’s Plan Ahead, Okay?)

Foursquare and Twitter are well and good, according to Schwartz, but without planning ahead, meetup…

  • St. Louis
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NFL Players Look To Invest In Startups At Venture Draft In St. Louis

The first ever Venture Draft is being held at St. Louis University on August 10…

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Users Prefer Google+, But Aren’t Leaving Facebook: Report

Consumers are more satisfied with Google+. But what Facebook lacks in love, it makes up…

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Inexpensive, Transparent Solar Cells Turn Windows Photovoltaic

Researchers at UCLA have successfully developed a near-transparent photovoltaic cell that will allow windows to…

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Former Exec: Match.com Treats LGBT Users “Dismissively”

LGBT users are an afterthought in the mainstream online dating industry, says former Match.com executive…

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Ungrateful Bliss: Is Literature Ready For The Narrative Blog?

A group of writers are taking the move to digital publishing one step further, aiming…

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Salt Firing Nerf Gun Strikes Fear Into The Hearts Of Insects Everywhere

Forget flyswatters and rolled up newspapers. If you’ve ever wished you could blast that annoying…

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Make Digital Kisses Real (And Creepy) With Lovotics’ Kissenger

A new two-way digital kissing gadget called the Kissenger will allow remote lovers to translate…

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New App ChurchMint Parting The Seas of SermonAudio.com

Move over SermonAudio: there's a new app in town, Churchmint, and this one promises to…

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Ohio-based CincyTech Keeps It Local By Investing $100,000 In Capstory

CincyTech's investment in Capstory is the latest step towards achieving the fund's mission: to support…

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Harvard Smart Suit Gives Flexible Support, Fights Fatigue

The planned smart suit will be made up entirely of soft, flexible materials, aimed to…

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Tablet Shoppers Spending More Online (INFOGRAPHIC)

If you’re part of the nearly 20 percent of US consumers who already own some…

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‘Buy Now’ Comes To FoodSpotting Thanks To GrubHub Integration

Browsing the photos of double bacon-cheese burgers, mint-chocolate milkshakes, and other delicious foods on FoodSpotting,…

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Furnishly: The Online Market For Fine Local Furniture

Furnishly, a Chicago-based online furniture selling marketplace, is looking to replace the abstract user experience…

  • Editorial
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In The Internet Age, Snuggling Becomes A Commodity

Are we desperate enough to resort to paying a complete stranger to snuggle with us?…