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Gener8tor Holds First-Ever Demo Day For Wisconsin Startups

This week Wisconsin startup accelerator gener8tor held its first-ever demo day, showcasing seven growing business…

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ZenCash Eases The Burden Of Collections For Small Businesses

Dallas-based startup ZenCash has set its sights on forever eliminating the time-consuming process of payment…

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Phonograf To Be “The Instagram For Music”

Atlanta-based startup Phonograf is looking to merge mobile music and social sharing with its forthcoming…

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SmartThings Transforms Your Home Into A Network Of Gadgets

SmartThings has successfully created a platform in which everyday household items can be connected to…

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Ohio-based Startup Ilesfay Awarded Patent For Faster Data Replication

Ohio-based startup Ilesfay provides a secure cloud-based solution for file replication. Now, the CincyTech backed…

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Greenstart Cleantech Accelerator Announces Latest Class

This week Greenstart, an accelerator focusing on cleantech projects, has announced its latest class of…

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Portland Startup Leaders To Nancy Pelosi: Change Immigration Policy

When House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi appeared at the Portland offices of startup Urban Airship,…

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CouchSurfing Raises $15M To Improve Stability, User Experience

The recent round of funding was led by General Catalyst Partners and Menlo Ventures, and…

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Gliph’s New Cloaked Email Keeps Your Inbox Guarded

Cloaked Email, a new product from Gliph, allows a user to give people a cloak…

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How 3dcart Bootstrapped To Success And Continues To Grow 40% Per Year

3dcart boasts 16,000 clients in 12 countries and more than 100 partners including Google, PayPal,…

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Epic Flash Game Contest Puts $150k On The Table For Developers

Flash gaming startups looking for a little extra cash from their next title should keep…

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Feature Film About Startup Life Seeks Funding On Kickstarter

A first-of-its-kind Kickstarter campaign has launched this week, whose creators are hoping to raise funding…

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Y-Combinator’s Ridejoy Launches iOS App

The debate as to whether or not your company should be mobile first, web second,…

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  • St. Louis
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Arch Grant Brings Costa Rica’s simMachines To St. Louis

simMachines is relocating its headquarters to St. Louis from Costa Rica. Dr. Arnoldo Müller-Molina, founder…

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YEC: 12 Tips for Introducing High-Tech Offering to Improve a Low-Tech Industry

Members of the Young Entrepreneur Council answer the question, "What advice would you give an…