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Jellyvision CEO Amanda Lannert Discusses Working Hard, Playing Often

The Techli team recently had a chance to take a tour of the company’s newly-renovated…

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Code Academy Partners With 37signals To Become The Starter League

Code Academy, Chicago’s premier 11 week code learning program, announced that it has partnered with…

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New AngelList Docs Launches To Help Founders Close Seed Rounds With A Few Clicks

Thanks to the network effect the AngelList has built up since the launch of the…

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FounderFuel Accelerator Grad ooomf Raises $500,000 For App Development And Discovery Platform

What happens to the thousands of apps that launch each day in the app store…

  • St. Louis
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GoParti: Pandora For Nightlife Events

St. Louis startup GoParti is working hard to make sure you always know what night…

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Young Entrepreneur Council Launches #StartupLab

#StartupLab is the latest initiative from the YEC -- a new online space where beginning…

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Etsy For Electronics: Marketplace For Gadget Tinkerers Tindie Moves From Side Project To Company

While Kickstarter may be the place to raise money for a massive hardware project, Tindie…

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Portland-Based Vizify Makes Your First Impression On The Web Beautiful

A startup based out of Portland, Oregon called Vizify is setting a new standard for…

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Sunnyvale-Based Flipora Knows What’s Good For You(r Web Search)

Do you ever wish the Internet could read your mind, offering a more intuitive means…

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Compliment Karma Rewards Employees With Virtual Kudos, Cash Incentives

Compliment Karma is an achievement recognition service that enables employers and business partners to keep…

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11 Mobile Shopping Apps Making Waves — and Lots of Money

Members of the Young Entrepreneur Council answer the question, "Name a product or brand with…

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Teensy Techli Tweets: What Makes A Startup?

Happy Labor Day! In honor of our national day off, Teensy Tweets takes a look…

  • CEO Sundays
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CEO Sundays: How To Work With A Developer

Many years ago, I received a tidbit of advice that has stuck with me ever…

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Dinn Dinn: A Social Sharing App For Food Lovers

The recently-launched mobile app allows users to share the foods they love or warn others…

  • Uncategorized

Are Social Networks Changing The Way We Think About Ourselves? (INFOGRAPHIC)

Are we all social networking narcissists? According to a recent infographic released by PsychologyDegree.net, social…